
We believe that people are our most valuable assets.

Uno Minda has dedicated its own training academy, called Pathshala, to create empowered individuals and leaders who excel in everything they do. Pathshala offers regular education programs, not just training, for all new and existing employees.


Topics range from behavioural to technical, with the most popular being the 'Uno Minda Way' session, where we motivate everyone to connect their life operations with the company's vision. Most participants leave with a higher commitment and dedication to the company’s goals.

We can proudly say that after our sessions, trainees want to work rather than feeling obligated to. Additionally, we have a fully operational practical culture learning center (Culture DOJO) where people 'do and learn,' fostering continuous learning.

We believe that the best way to learn is to start teaching. Thus, we are creating exciting opportunities for individuals to share their learning, knowledge, and wisdom across the organization, carrying forward the ancient traditions of Gurukul.

The Pathshala team has conducted extensive research and has published landmark books. One such book, 'Uno Minda Way,' helps us create a 'value-bound community' with a missionary approach to transforming the earth into a clean, green habitat for mankind. Another book spreads awareness on 'Environment, Health & Safety.'

The Pathshala team has also developed E-Learning modules on various Gemba-related and soft skill topics. Currently, there are three fully operational Culture DOJOs in Manesar, Pune, and Hosur, with plans for two more in Gujarat and Chennai soon.

These Culture DOJOs are based on three principles: gamified, engaging all five senses, and simulation-based. The methodology comprises 70% experiential learning, 20% fun-filled activities, and 10% conceptual learning.


At Uno Minda Limited. Pathshala, our focus is on One Team – One Voice – One Goal."