Our Commitment

Creating A difference

Uno Minda Group’s CSR wing, Suman Nirmal Minda Foundation is an implementing agency for the Group CSR and operates all its initiatives under its flagship program named Samarth-Jyoti. We are working in the social development sector for the past two decades extending support to the community through various initiatives. We operate our initiatives through our thematic areas which are education, skill development, healthcare & community development.

Societal Initiatives


a strong foundation


Our Educational programs focus on co-scholastic and scholastics aspects of students to help them to align to state and national education system. Our objective is to identify and support out of school children and provide them value based quality education and mainstream them to regular schooling. We ensure that all our students should attain basic reading and writing skills. Our students excel and perform extraordinarily when they continue their education in government schools.

Empowering indiviuals


We have initiated our vocational training programs to empower women, adolescent girls and marginalized population in different locations of India. Our programs on Cutting & Tailoring, Beauty Culture, IT Literacy has enhanced their learning level and employability skills by benefitting them to earn a decent livelihood. Post our programs, participants were seen more confident. Their personality has improved drastically with the change of their perceptions. Their monthly income has improved post training programs.

Healthcare Initiatives


Our programs aim to create a positive impact by offering quality health-care facilities through our interventions. A multi-speciality Hospital with all modern amenities, facilitate and specialised doctors to support our rural people.

Bringing a Sustainable Change

community development

As a collective action to empower the community members, and to provide the community with better opportunity. We continuously strive to create an environment to enhance their livelihood opportunity.

Our Presence

National Presence

Uno Minda's CSR initiatives have been running in close proximity to our plants. We presently run 17 centres across the north, west and south of the country. We plan to expand our presence across the country in the near future.

Customer Centric Approach


Recognised by Global OEMs

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A mother's struggle that led to the discovery of her potential
Ms. Babita learned stitching, tailoring, and beauty culture from Samarth-Jyoti, practicing at home on her old clothes. Day and night, she worked to hone her skills and soon became one of the best students in the batch. She, along with the course, started saving to open her own shop. After some time, she started her own beauty parlour and boutique, along with little knick-knacks and accessories. Her growth story didn’t stop here. She decided to help needy ladies who used to come to her shop to ask for some small work to get food for her children. Babita today is teaching them the basics of stitching and tailoring, giving them work, and helping them become self-reliant with assistance from Samarth-Jyoti centers. Read More star icon star icon star icon star icon star icon
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SHIFT + DELETED his problems and ENTERED a new phase of Life
Ranjeet came to Manesar from Bihar few years back and started working as a security guard. He was earning Rs. 10,000 a month as a guard. His family back home had a lot of expectations from their eldest child whom they had sent to the city to earn for the entire family. Despite living like a miser, only spending on essentials, he could only save and send around three thousand a month to his family. And then Ranjeet decided to upgrade his skills and learn comput-ers. But every course he could find had a fee of around five thousand attached to it, which was beyond his reach. Then Ranjeet learnt about the course offered at Samarth-Jyoti, where he not just got admission in a computer course at a nominal cost but also got to choose his batch as per his job timing. The moment he finished the course, with the counselling by Samarth-Jyoti team, he appeared for an interview of a security supervisor. Today, he is much better placed with a job that pays more, has more perks and opportunities for growth. Read More star icon star icon star icon star icon star icon
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Strong Shoulders for her Siblings
She was just eight when her father was found murdered; without a reason or premonition, a pause came into her life. Her mother with the responsibility of her two daughters found herself alone and struggling to make a living. Shobha was pining to help her mother when she learnt about Samarth-Jyoti. She decided to learn the skills that could help her stitch a new story for her family. She joined Samarth-Jyoti after her school education till 12* standard and started learning stitching and tailoring. After getting grade A in both theory and practical, her confidence was also on level A! Taking help of her mother, she purchased a sewing machine and is now earning approximately Rs. 5000 per month, working from home. Today she is financially independent, full of confidence and is making her dreams come true through her younger sister who is preparing for higher education. Read More star icon star icon star icon star icon star icon
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The spark of brilliance, fanned by a little help
A labourer by profession, Rajkumar could barely afford to arrange two meals and a roof for his family of six people out of which four are school going children. His wife also worked as a domestic help for several families to barely scratch a living. In such circumstances Vishal, their son shone like a hope of bright future with his consistent good grades in his school. Vishal was in class VI when his parents, realized that they won't be able to afford sending him to private tuition any more despite his apparent brilliance in studies. Just when they were about to give up, a teacher who knew about Samarth-Jyoti, helped them get a fee waiver and support from the centre. Vishal was a shy kid who used to stammer a bit. Initially he had no friends in his remedial class where he got admission with the help of Samarth-Jyoti. Month after month when he got good results and started impressing his classmates and his teachers with consistently good performance, he became a magnet for all his classmates. Read More star icon star icon star icon star icon star icon
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Rediscovering her spirit & zeal with Samarth
Jyoti Archana was completing her graduation when her father, who was a teacher, passed away suddenly. With three siblings and an ailing mother, she found herself struggling to make the ends meet. Somehow she completed her graduation along with a degree of B.Ed and was married in a family of nine members. Her married life was a struggle with her in-laws mentally harassing her. Her husband worked in a distant town called Rudrapur and couldn't save her from the atrocities. She and her daughter tried to make peace with the family for years and then one day, when Archana could take it no longer, she took her daughter's hand, caught a bus and reached her husband's place in Rudrapur. After getting to know her story, her husband agreed to her suggestion of living like a nuclear family. Soon afterwards, she heard about Samarth-Jyoti and learnt stitching and tailoring from the centre. Finally able to financially assist her husband, Archana opened a shop and started earning around 8,000/- a month. Along with her self-confidence, she is also thankful to Samarth-Jyoti for teaching her customer management, which has helped in managing the business better. From having a banner for her shop to a lower pricing of her clothes, Samarth-Jyoti has helped her at every step. And the assurance that she can consult her ma'am at Samarth-Jyoti has helped her face many challenges successfully. Read More star icon star icon star icon star icon star icon
Lorem Ipsum available

Our Initiatives

Moga Devi Memorial School





CSR Reports