Reviewing our
Financial Performance

Financial Highlights

Ten Year Consolidated Financial

(₹ in Crores)
Particulars Mar-23 Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-20 Mar-19 Mar-18 Mar-17 Mar-16 Mar-15 Mar-14
Profit & Loss Statement Highlights
Revenue from Operations 11,236.49 8,313.00 6,373.74 6,222.03 5,908.09 4,548.29 3,665.36 2,713.98 2,374.58 1,834.16
EBIDTA 1,241.98 885.39 724.99 671.80 725.18 533.82 373.99 237.83 154.34 77.82
EBITDA Margin 11.1% 10.7% 11.4% 10.8% 12.3% 11.7% 10.2% 8.8% 6.5% 4.2%
Profit before Tax 791.42 494.26 324.80 243.59 454.68 405.47 211.89 138.70 84.71 12.92
Share of Profit/(loss) from JVs 99.93 65.16 24.17 12.97 18.87 23.08 19.73 11.67 2.39 0.82
PAT (Attributable to shareholders of Uno Minda) 654.00 355.80 206.63 155.18 285.62 310.19 165.17 111.14 67.96 7.17
Balance Sheet Highlights
Net Fixed Assets 3,344.92 2,968.04 2,756.14 2,868.33 2,011.29 1,561.29 1,001.82 723.34 420.57 422.42
Investment in Subsidiaries & associates 682.07 594.62 528.61 373.37 355.58 155.23 111.12 46.53 26.33 24.42
Other Non Current Assets 713.83 313.10 283.80 293.21 131.02 121.50 83.02 49.78 30.67 30.73
Current Assets 3,565.80 2,955.93 2,421.35 2,038.45 1,732.74 1,527.09 1,201.68 686.52 519.03 503.85
Assets Classified as held for Sale 2.08 - - 7.49 - - - - - -
Total Assets 8,308.70 6,831.69 5,989.90 5,580.85 4,230.63 3,365.11 2,397.64 1,506.17 996.61 981.42
Total Equity 4,434.24 3,764.75 2,563.02 2,143.92 1,970.87 1,602.70 1,176.46 570.35 386.60 325.99
Non Current Liabilities 922.23 724.71 896.71 1,119.80 782.18 395.28 289.73 269.82 126.59 163.27
Current liabilities 2,952.23 2,342.23 2,530.17 2,312.79 1,477.58 1,367.13 931.45 666.00 483.41 492.16
Liabilities directly associated with assers held for distribution - - - 4.34 - - - - - -
TOTAL EQUITY LIABILITIES 8,308.70 6,831.69 5,989.90 5,580.85 4,230.63 3,365.11 2,397.64 1,506.17 996.61 981.42