Driving The New By Being Conscious And Through Preservation
Driving The New by Creating Employee Well-being for Best Performance
Our employees are one of our most valuable assets. Nurturing and empowering our employees is critical to our success as an organisation. We are committed to providing all our employees with a collaborative, inclusive, non-discriminatory, and safe working environment where all have an equal opportunity to grow.
As a part of our endeavour to foster a conducive working environment for our employees, we provide certain benefits such as healthcare, disability and invalidity coverage, parental leave and retirement provisions. In FY 2021-22, 3,745 employees and in FY 2020-21, 3,510 employees were entitled to parental leave. Out of which 56 employees in FY 2021-22 and 58 employees in FY 2020-21 took the parental leave.
Our constant endeavour is to cultivate a ‘listen to act’ culture in our organisation. We believe that constant employee engagement is a pre-requisite to fostering an employee management system that is responsive and hence, effective. In addition, to our regular town halls and other employee engagement platforms, we also engage with our employees through an annual survey, wherein we attempt to gauge their satisfaction with their work, the opportunities that they are being accorded and their general concerns, to identify areas of improvement. We quantitatively evaluate the results of this survey through our culture and trust index. Employees also have access to an ethics helpline to raise any concerns or grievances.
Permanent Employees
Temporary Workforce
It is an annual wellness programme covering all aspects of well-being like mental, physical, social and emotional. Under this programme, monthly virtual meetings are organised for educating and sensitizing employees related to their well-being.
The purpose of this programme is to provide healthcare services to employees in the age group of 45 and above. A dedicated helpline number available 24/7 answers all the medical queries and introduces a specialist, if needed. It also provides healthcare plan for chronic diseases for a year with timely reminders for follow ups
An online application that provides special discounts to employees on the purchase of Medicines, Lab Tests, OTC Drugs, and Food Supplements. Under this programme, monthly wellness webinar sessions are also facilitated by specialists.
Talent Attraction and Retention
We seek to attract, train, and retain the brightest talent. We follow a robust recruitment strategy that enables us to select the right talent for our Company. This includes, both campus hiring and lateral hiring programmes.
In addition to the existing system where top performing employees are rewarded with bonuses and promotions, we plan to build a comprehensive and suitable Rewards & Recognition programme and implement a continuous performance management system. We are also working on developing a structured performance improvement plan (PIP) policy that will outline our commitment to fostering a performance-driven culture.
Total Employees Hired by Age Group (FY 2021-22)
Total Employees Hired by Gender (FY 2021-22)
Total Employees Separated by Age Group (FY 2021-22)
Total employees separated by gender (FY22)
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
We are an equal opportunity employer and as an organisation, we fully recognise the benefits of having a diverse workforce. We are committed to creating a work environment that enables employees to work without the fear of prejudice, gender bias or harassment.
We implement stringent measures to prevent child labour, forced/compulsory labour, and sexual harassment in our operations. Our Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) policy covers every employee and is publicly available. We have also set up a dedicated Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at all locations to redress complaints of sexual harassment.
To bolster diversity in our workforce we have developed our gender diversity strategy through which we aim to increase the share of female employees in our workforce to 20% by 2025.
Our Gender Diversity Target Timeline
Training and Development
Through requisite learning and development programmes, we aim to enhance the performance of our employees and equip them with the skills necessary for today and tomorrow. Our vision is to transform ourselves into a world-class learning organisation. We aim to do this through our comprehensive learning and development framework-a key part of which is our in house platform, ‘The Learning Hub’.
Our learning framework has three pillars viz. high potential leadership development, trainings and learnings for solid citizens and functional trainings. Basis feedback from managers and performance appraisals, we formulate a learning calendar for each employee inclusive of trainings under these categories.
Programmes under high potential leadership development pillar are categorised according to the organisation’s hierarchal structure where employees identified based on performance criteria mentioned in these programmes are given specific trainings. For employees above the level of GM, we have M-Leap which strives to develop leaders and a succession pipeline of business/group function heads, where they receive leadership trainings and external coaching. We aim to create a pool of 2 successors for each of the CMD-1 and CMD-2 positions while limiting the external hiring for Manager & above positions to less than 5% of the vacancies. Employees falling under the category of managers and DGMs, have Transform-M, whose purpose is to create a robust talent pipeline of function/ sub-function heads by imparting behavioural and functional training to enhance knowledge, leadership skills and growth mindset. For employees becoming first time managers, we provide mentoring for their smooth transition. We have also formulated an associate development programme that identifies high potential associates and facilitates their promotion to become staff members, thus reducing the focus on lateral hiring. In FY 2020-21, 60 associates and in FY 2021-22, 80 associates were promoted to staff positions. In addition to our dedicated learning platform named ‘The Learning Hub’, we consistently provide effective skill development opportunities for our employees through a comprehensively designed learning and development framework.
Training and development programme for ‘Solid citizens’ employees are identified through their biannual performance appraisal process. Reporting managers identify the training needs of these employees and recommend them two programmes from the competency frameworks developed according to the organisation’s hierarchal structure. The employees are also consulted during the recommendation process.
Lastly, for each department/function, a single point of contact (SPOC) has been identified who assesses employees on the competencies and hires subject matter experts to provide skill training relevant to their specific department. We have created 50 E-learning modules in line with defined competency frameworks. We have also formed associations with universities for the provision of specialised training and offer to partially sponsor the higher education of our employees.
Every recruit is required to undergo an extensive 7-day programme which encompasses aspects such as about the organisation and its culture, and dos and don’ts, among others. We have also developed a culture training programme named Uno Minda way which is required to be mandatorily attended by every employee. Our talent pool is also subject to periodic job rotation programmes to infuse versatility into their skill set.
EHS Policy
We are committed to providing a safe work environment for our employees and other stakeholders. Our organisational commitment to ensuring the health and safety of our stakeholders, is documented in our EHS policy which is publicly available. The majority of our facilities have been certified for requirements under ISO 45001 (Environment Health Safety). Periodic safety risk assessments and audits are carried out at our plants for hazard identification and risk analysis. As a governance measure, monthly safety committee meetings are conducted to review the performance of each plant and devise corrective actions. To foster a safer working environment, safety training is imparted to all employees on a regular basis.
At the onset of the pandemic, we had established a COVID-19 care centre to assist our employees. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental health and, in acknowledgement of the same, we are currently working on developing an employee Health and Wellness programme and documenting an organisational policy on work-life balance.
We featured on Wall of Fame of the Great Place to Work Institute amongst the Top 30 Best Work Places
Uno Minda WAY DOJO
This will be a facility which shall provide access to self-learning and training regarding the organisations policies and procedures. The learning components shall be comprising all three styles in which people process and learn new information that is visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. This will also help new hires to settle down quickly in the new work environment and give them a sense of belonging.
Occupational Health and Safety
We are committed to providing a safe work environment for our employees and other stakeholders. Our organisational commitment to ensuring the health and safety of our stakeholders, is documented in our EHS policy which is publicly available. Majority of our facilities have been certified for requirements under ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety System). Periodic safety risk assessments and audits are carried out at our plants for hazard identification and risk analysis. As a governance measure, monthly safety committee meetings are conducted to review the performance of each plant and devise corrective actions. To foster a safer working environment, safety training is imparted to all employees on a regular basis
At the onset of the pandemic, we had established a COVID-19 care centre to assist our employees. The pandemic in general highlighted the importance of mental health. In acknowledgement of the same, we are currently working on developing an employee Health and Wellness programme and documenting an organisational policy on work-life balance.
Safety Statistics
Fatalities |
0 |
Lost time incidents |
36 |
First aid cases |
60 |
Near misses |
2,871 |
Unsafe acts captured |
18,264 |
Unsafe conditions captured |
29,150 |
0.36 |
Safety training hours |
40,021 |