About the Report
Approach to Reporting
To strengthen our initiatives towards transparent, accurate, comprehensive and appropriate stakeholder communications, at Uno Minda, we started on the pathway of Integrated Reporting in 2021. The current report is our second edition, and we are determined to continue on the path of building more comprehensive integrated reports during upcoming cycles.
The report follows the newest guidelines issued by Value reporting foundation, which are further named as Integrated Reporting framework. To effectively communicate with all our stakeholders regarding relevant material issues, we have followed a key material elements disclosure approach. We will continue to add more of such approaches to enhance effectiveness of our stakeholder communications.
A few data sets described in the report, are management estimates and has relevant approximations mentioned in the report. The statutory reports, including the Management Disclosure and Analysis (MD&A), Director`s Report, Corporate Governance Report and Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report (BRSR), are as per the Companies Act 2013, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, and as per regulatory Secretarial Standards.
Reporting Period
April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023
Operations and Businesses
This report covers the financial, operational, strategic and non- financial performance of Uno Minda Group. The Report includes the performance of all our plants based in India, our Indian subsidiaries, and our corporate offices. The environmental performance data disclosed in the report only covers our manufacturing plant sites. The social data disclosed, additionally covers our corporate offices.
Financial and Non- Financial Reporting
The information mentioned in the report, goes beyond the financial reports which are covered under compliance reporting. The report describes non-financial performance, risk management strategies, stakeholder management frameworks and long-term value creation perspectives.
Assurance on Financial Statements
Assurance on financial statements has been provided by independent auditors S.R. Batliboi & Co. LLP.
Responsibility Statement
The information mentioned in this report has been verified and owned by the management and the Board of Uno Minda Group to the best of their knowledge.